This is one of those Marmite questions, the love it or hate it scenario. Now it is in fact a bit of an urban myth, at least where the Bradford escorts are concerned, because most of them are fully committed to the DFK. Because they like it and know that you do! But, if you ever meet a girl from any agency who doesn’t like to kiss, then as a matter of respect, please accept her decision, because it is a very personal one. Of course, during the past three years the dark cloud of the pandemic has accentuated this decision for some, both escorts in Bradford and their clients, as with everywhere else. But on the whole the kiss is an intrinsic part of any one on one liaison. It is the sweet greeting when you first get together, that signal that things are going to get hot. The deeper the kiss the stronger the promise, is the way that many view it. Which is why so many clients find that an escort who doesn’t kiss is a bit of a downer at the very beginning of the date!
So, if she doesn’t, why doesn’t she?
Those non-kissers say that it is even more intimate than the act itself. Kissing spikes the brain to produce dopamine, the love hormone, and so these escorts are subconsciously protecting themselves from “falling in love” with a man who is not available in the longer term. From the client’s point of view he is looking for the buzz that a kiss delivers, because dopamine generates longing and a craving for more. That production of dopamine and oxytocin, has declined in a regular relationship. A fact which is sadly true, the old familiarity breeds contempt effect! The experienced woman knows and takes into account the knowledge that her man is subject to these chemical reactions and who knows this better than an escort!? These escorts in Bradford certainly take on board the full effect that a kiss can give to the whole experience of their Bradford escort assignation!! If you guys need any hints on encouraging your escort in Bradford to want to kiss you, make sure that your teeth are clean and your breath is minty fresh!
Who kisses more? Blonde or brunette escorts?
According to a study in the USA around ten years ago, 58% of people said that brunettes are better in bed. A UK survey said that blondes initially attracted more attention, but after the first interest, guys went for the brunettes as sexier. This escorts agency Bradford clients trust with their pleasure seeking experiences, do find that the brunette escort is the one that scores on the repeat appointments, having given the pleasure that a full on experience has given in the past, these guys want more! Do the brunette escorts kiss more than their blonde colleagues? Logically it seems so. As the Bradford brunette escort is genetically tuned in to sensuality, then it seems that those escort reviews where they talk about how deep was her kiss all show that she is predisposed to pleasure in all its forms! When you book your agency escort from this Bradford escort agency, then personal preference always takes precedence, but the prospect of the deepest kiss does perhaps lie with the brunette escort. Let us know when you leave your next review!